The Path
With our partners Knowledge Solutions and the Vancouver Port Authority, we created a tutorial for mariners and vessel operators to learn about keeping whales safe.

The Whales in Our Waters tutorial is filled with clean, clear, customized charts and graphics that PathWise designed specifically to help learners absorb large amounts of information in an easy and appealing way.
Other graphics and design elements, including animations, help build the learner’s knowledge of whale behaviour and habitats, understand the impact of vessel noise on whales, how to report whale sightings, and more.

The Results
PathWise’s contribution to the visual design and functionality of this tutorial was key to its success. The images, graphics, narration, audio clips, video, and interactive elements all help learners deepen their knowledge about whales and enhance their ability to protect them. The course is now being used widely by all BC Ferries employees as well as Washington State Ferries and has received significant press coverage.
Learn more about Whales in Our Waters.